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Modulated Trust Algorithm

Interaction Consensus Set (ICS)

ICS is a network-level mechanism to create clusters of nodes, and these clusters are created on-demand, based on the Network Context associated with the interaction participants to form an agreement.

ICS locks the Network Context associated with the interaction participants by including a majority of the nodes associated with the given wallet(s) in its cluster.

The majority (meaning two-thirds and above), if not all the eligible nodes, are added to an ICS cluster. Apart from the eligible nodes, the ICS also consists of random nodes that are not part of the Network Context of the sender/receiver accounts.

In summary, ICS is a weighted cluster of 1/3rd of eligible nodes, and 2/3rd of random nodes, and an additional 10% of observer nodes. This concept is further formalized in the ICS creation section. But first, let us understand the roles of each node in the ICS:

Roles of nodes in the ICS cluster

Nodes in the ICS cluster have different roles, and they are as follows:

GeneratorThe node which executes an interaction, creates the Tesseract and proposes it in the ICS
OperatorThe node which organizes the creation of the ICS cluster and facilitates consensus on the proposed Tesseract
ValidatorThe node which joins the ICS cluster and verifies the proposed tesseract
ObserverThe node which joins the ICS cluster and scrutinizes each validator’s behavior in the ICS

ICS conditions

For the creation of an ICS, here are the conditions:

  • Let ESE_S represent a set of eligible nodes associated with the sender wallet S such that

  • xS=αSβSƔSSay,ES=f(xS)={{Nm...Nn}{Nn+1...No}{No+1...Np}}x_S = α_S \cup β_S \cup Ɣ_S \\ \, \\ \text{Say}, E_S = f( x_S) = \{\{N_m ... N_n\} \cup \{N_{n+1} ... N_o\} \cup \{N_{o+1} ... N_p\}\}
  • Also let ERE_R represent a set of eligible nodes associated with the receiver wallet R

    xR=αRβRƔRSay, ER=f(xR)={{Nq...Nr}{Nr+1...Ns}{Ns+1...Nt}}x_R = α_R \cup β_R \cup Ɣ_R \\ \, \\ \text{Say}, \ E_R = f( x_R) = \{\{N_q ... N_r\} \cup \{N_{r+1} ... N_s\} \cup \{N_{s+1} ... N_t\}\}
  • And EGE_G represents a set of eligible nodes associated with the generator account or the fee collection logic account of the generator G

    xG=αGβGƔGSay,EG=f(xG)={{Nu...Nv}{Nv+1...Nw}{Nw+1...Nx}}x_G = α_G \cup β_G \cup Ɣ_G \\ \, \\ \text{Say}, E_G = f( xG) = \{\{N_u ... N_v\} \cup \{N_{v+1} ... N_w\} \cup \{N_{w+1} ... N_x\}\}
  • Now, let FRF_R represent a random number of nodes that are not associated with the wallets S and R

    Say,FR={Nx+1...Ny},such that, FR{ESEREG} AND FRK\text{Say}, F_R = \{N_{x+1} ... Ny\} , \text{such that},\ F_R ∉ \{E_S \cup E_R \cup E_G\} \ \text{AND\ } F_R ∈ K
  • B represents a set of observer nodes that scrutinize the validators in the ICS without participating in the voting process

    Say, FB={Ny+1...Nz},such that, FB{ESEREGFR} AND FBK\text{Say}, \ F_B = \{N_{y+1} ... Nz\} , \text{such that},\ F_B ∉ \{E_S \cup E_R \cup E_G \cup F_R\} \ \text{AND\ } F_B ∈ K
  • Now that ES,ER,EG,FRE_S , E_R , E_G , F_R , and FBF_B are available, let ICS represent the combination of all these sets of nodes

Ideal ICS Set

Ideal Eligible Set condition

Let Eligible Set, FE=ESEREGFE={αSβSƔS}U{αRβRƔR}U{αGβGƔG}\text{Let Eligible Set,}\ F_E = E_S \cup E_R \cup E_G \\ \, \\ F_E = \{α_S \cup β_S \cup Ɣ_S\} U \{α_R \cup β_R \cup Ɣ_R\} U \{α_G \cup β_G \cup Ɣ_G\}

Ideal Eligible Set Cardinality criteria

Where Ideal Eligible Set Size=n(FE)=n(αSβSƔSαRβRƔRαGβGƔG)\text{Where Ideal Eligible Set Size} = n(F_E) = n(α_S \cup β_S \cup Ɣ_S \cup α_R \cup β_R \cup Ɣ_R \cup α_G \cup β_G \cup Ɣ_G)

Ideal ICS Set condition

Now, Interaction Consensus Set,F=FEFRFB\text{Now, Interaction Consensus Set}, F = F_E \cup F_R \cup F_B

Ideal ICS Cardinality criteria

Ideal ICS Length=n(F)=n(FEFRFB)such that, n(FR)>=2n(FE) AND ,n(FB)=XOn(FE)\text{Ideal ICS Length} = n(F)= n(F_E \cup F_R \cup F_B)\\ \, \\ \text{such that},\ n(F_R) >= 2 * n(F_E) \ \text{AND\ },\\ \, \\ n(F_B) = X_O * n(F_E)

, where XOX_O is the observer co-efficient which sets the minimum percentage of observer nodes to be part of the ICS, say 10%. Over time when the network matures, the observer co-efficient value will be subjected to changes through governance proposals.

Minimum ICS Set

Let the minimum number of eligible nodes required to achieve consensus be Eligible Set minimum EFminE_{Fmin} , represented as:

Minimum Eligible Set condition

FEmin=ESminERminEGminEFmin={αSminβSminƔSmin}{αRminβRminƔRmin}{αGminβGminƔGmin}such that n(ximin)>=2/3n(xi) AND ximinxi Where x=(α,β,Ɣ) and i=(S,R,G)Which means,αSminαS AND βSminβS AND ƔSminƔS AND αRminαR AND βRminβR AND ƔRminƔR AND αGminαG AND βGminβG AND ƔGminƔGAlso,αmin,βminofS,R and Gshould have at least one unique nodeF_{Emin} = E_{Smin} \cup E_{Rmin} \cup E_{Gmin} \\ \, \\ E_{Fmin} = \{α_{Smin} \cup β_{Smin} \cup Ɣ_{Smin}\} \cup \{α_{Rmin} \cup β_{Rmin} \cup Ɣ_{Rmin}\} \cup \{α_{Gmin} \cup β_{Gmin} \cup Ɣ_{Gmin}\} \\ \, \\ \text{such that}\ n(x_{imin}) >= 2/3 * n(x_i) \ \text{AND\ } x_{imin} ⊆ x_i \text{\ Where\ } x= ( α, β, Ɣ ) \ \text{and\ } i = (S, R, G) \\ \, \\ \text{Which means}, α_{Smin} ⊆ α_S \ \text{AND\ } β_{Smin} ⊆ β_S \ \text{AND\ } Ɣ_{Smin} ⊆ Ɣ_S \ \text{AND\ } \\ \, \\ α_{Rmin} ⊆ α_R \ \text{AND\ } β_{Rmin} ⊆ β_R \ \text{AND\ } Ɣ_{Rmin} ⊆ Ɣ_R \ \text{AND\ } \\ \, \\ α_{Gmin} ⊆ α_G \ \text{AND\ } β_{Gmin} ⊆ β_G \ \text{AND\ } Ɣ_{Gmin} ⊆ Ɣ_G \\ \, \\ \text{Also}, α_{min}, β_{min} of S, R \ and \ G should \ have \ at \ least \ one \ unique \ node

Cardinality criteria for Minimum Eligible Set condition

n(αSmin)>=2/3n(αs) AND  n(βSmin)>=2/3n(βS) AND  n(ƔSmin)>=2/3n(ƔS) AND n(αRmin)>=2/3n(αR) AND  n(βRmin)>=2/3n(βR) AND n(ƔRmin)>=2/3n(ƔR) AND n(αGmin)>=2/3n(αG) AND  n(βGmin)>=2/3n(βG) AND n(ƔGmin)>=2/3n(ƔG)Now, Minimum Eligible Set Size=n(EFmin)=n{αSminβSminƔSminαRminβRminƔRminαGminβGminƔGmin}n(α_{Smin}) >= 2/3 * n(α_s) \ \text{AND\ } \ n(β_{Smin}) >= 2/3 * n(β_S) \ \text{AND\ } \ n(ƔSmin) >= 2/3 * n(Ɣ_S) \ \text{AND\ } \\ \, \\ n(α_{Rmin}) >= 2/3 * n(α_R) \ \text{AND\ } \ n(β_{Rmin}) >= 2/3 * n(β_R) \ \text{AND\ } n(Ɣ_{Rmin}) >= 2/3 * n(Ɣ_R) \ \text{AND\ } \\ \, \\ n(α_{Gmin}) >=2/3 * n(α_G) \ \text{AND\ } \ n(β_{Gmin}) >= 2/3 * n(β_G) \ \text{AND\ } n(Ɣ_{Gmin}) >= 2/3 * n(Ɣ_G) \\ \, \\ \text{Now, Minimum Eligible Set Size} = n(EFmin)= n \{α_{Smin} \cup β_{Smin} \cup Ɣ_{Smin} \cup α_{Rmin} \cup β_{Rmin} \cup Ɣ_{Rmin} \cup α_{Gmin} \cup β_{Gmin} \cup Ɣ_{Gmin}\}

Minimum ICS Set condition

Now, Fmin=FEminFRminFBminWhere FRminFR  AND FBminFB\text{Now,\ } F_min = F_{Emin} \cup F_{Rmin} \cup F_{Bmin} \text{Where\ } F_{Rmin} \subset F_R \ \ \text{AND\ } F_{Bmin} \subset F_B

Cardinality criteria for Minimum ICS condition

Min ICS Length=n(Fmin)=n(FEminFRminFBmin)Such that n(FRmin)>=2FEmin, AND  n(FBmin)=XOFEmin\text{Min ICS Length} =n(F_{min}) = n(F_{Emin} \cup F_{Rmin} \cup F_{Bmin}) \\ \, \\ \text{Such that}\ n(F_{Rmin}) >= 2 * F_{Emin}, \ \text{AND\ } \ n(F_{Bmin}) = X_O * F_{Emin}

where XOX_O is the observer co-efficient which sets the minimum percentage of observer nodes to be part of the ICS.

Actual ICS Set

At the time of ICS creation, let the number of eligible nodes required to achieve consensus be called Eligible Set Actual FEactF_{Eact}, represented as:

Actual Eligible set condition

FEact=ESactERactEGact,FEact={αSactβSactƔSact}U{αRactβRactƔRact}U{αGactβGactƔGact},Such that  n(xiact)>=n(ximin) AND  xiactxiWhere x=(α,β,Ɣ) and  i=(S,R,G)Which Means,  αSactαS AND βSactβS AND ƔSactƔS AND αRactαR AND  βRactβR AND ƔRactƔR AND αGactαG AND βGactβG AND ƔGactƔGF_{Eact} = E_{Sact} \cup E_{Ract} \cup E_{Gact} , \\ \, \\ F_{Eact} = \{α_{Sact} \cup β_{Sact} \cup Ɣ_{Sact}\} U \{αR_{act } \cup β_{Ract} \cup Ɣ_{Ract}\} U \{α_{Gact} \cup β_{Gact} \cup Ɣ_{Gact}\}, \\ \, \\ \text{Such that}\ \ n(x_{iact}) >= n(x_{imin}) \ \text{AND\ } \ x_{iact} ⊆ x_i Where \ x= (α, β,Ɣ) \ \text{and\ } \ i =(S,R,G) \\ \, \\ \text{Which Means,} \ \ α_{Sact}⊆α_S \ \text{AND\ } β_{Sact} ⊆ β_S \ \text{AND\ } Ɣ_{Sact} ⊆ Ɣ_S \ \text{AND\ } \\ \, \\ α_{Ract} ⊆ α_R \ \text{AND\ } \ β_{Ract} ⊆ β_R \ \text{AND\ } Ɣ_{Ract} ⊆ Ɣ_R \ \text{AND\ } \\ \, \\ α_{Gact} ⊆ α_G \ \text{AND\ } β_{Gact} ⊆ β_G \ \text{AND\ } Ɣ_{Gact} ⊆ Ɣ_G

Cardinality criteria for Actual Eligible set condition

n(αSact)>=n(αSmin) AND n(βSact)>=n(βSmin) AND n(ƔSact)>=n(ƔSmin) AND n(αRact)>=n(αRmin) AND n(βRact)>=n(βRmin) AND n(ƔRact)>=n(ƔRmin) AND n(αGact)>=n(αGmin) AND n(βGact)>=n(βGmin) AND n(ƔGact)>=n(ƔGmin)Where n(FEact)=n(αSactβSactƔSactαRactβRactƔRactαGactβGactƔGact)n(α_{Sact}) >= n(α_{Smin}) \ \text{AND\ } n(β_{Sact}) >= n(β_{Smin}) \ \text{AND\ } n(Ɣ_{Sact}) >= n(Ɣ_{Smin}) \ \text{AND\ } \\ \, \\ n(α_{Ract}) >= n(α_{Rmin}) \ \text{AND\ } n(β_{Ract}) >= n(β_{Rmin}) \ \text{AND\ } n(Ɣ_{Ract}) >= n(Ɣ_{Rmin}) \ \text{AND\ } \\ \, \\ n(α_{Gact}) >= n(α_{Gmin}) \ \text{AND\ } n(β_{Gact}) >= n(β_{Gmin}) \ \text{AND\ } n(Ɣ_{Gact}) >= n(Ɣ_{Gmin}) \\ \, \\ \text{Where} \ n(F_{Eact}) = n(α_{Sact} \cup β_{Sact} \cup Ɣ_{Sact} \cup α_{Ract} \cup β_{Ract} \cup Ɣ_{Ract} \cup α_{Gact} \cup β_{Gact} \cup Ɣ_{Gact})

Actual ICS set condition

NowFact=FEactFRactFBact,Where FRactFR AND FBactFB\text{Now} \, F_{act} = F_{Eact} \cup F_{Ract} \cup F_{Bact}, \\ \, \\ \text{Where} \ F_{Ract} \subset F_R \ \text{AND\ } F_{Bact} \subset F_B

Cardinality criteria for Actual ICS set condition

Actual ICS length n(Fact)=n(FEactFRactFBact)Such that n(FRact)>=2n(FEact),n(FBact)=XOn(FEact)\text{Actual ICS length} \ n(Fact) = n(F_{Eact} \cup F_{Ract} \cup F_{Bact}) \\ \, \\ \text{Such that} \ n(F_{Ract}) >= 2 * n(F_{Eact}), n(F_{Bact}) = X_O * n(F_{Eact})

ICS adjustment condition

In this section, we understand what measures are taken by MOI, in the case where the total number of nodes currently in the ICS does not fulfill the MTQ conditions.

Adjustments for enforcing correctness

The Adjusted MTQ Size, MTQadjusted=min(MTQuser,MTQmax)And, Adjusted ICS Length, FLJ=max(MTQminσ,MTQadjustedσ)\text{The Adjusted MTQ Size,} \ MTQ_{adjusted} = min(MTQ_{user}, MTQ_{max}) \\ \, \\ \text{And, Adjusted ICS Length,} \ FLJ = max(MTQ_{min} * \sigma, MTQ_{adjusted} * \sigma )

, where MTQUser is the user-chosen MTQ size, MTQmax is the maximum MTQ size set by the protocol, MTQmin is the minimum MTQ size also set by the protocol.

Now Ffinal=FactRWhere, R{Fact} AND RK\text{Now} \ F_{final} = F_{act} \cup R’ \\ \, \\ \text{Where,} \ R’ ∉ \{F_{act}\} \ \text{AND\ } R’ \subset K

, where R’ is the adjusted node set for min, max, and user-specific MTQ sizes, randomly selected from the network.

Cardinality criteria for ICS adjustment condition

Final ICS length, FLN=n(Ffinal)=n(FactR)Such that n(R)>0 AND n(R)=FLJFLA\text{Final ICS length,}\ FL_{N} = n(F_{final}) = n(F_{act} \cup R’) \\ \, \\ \text{Such that}\ n(R’) > 0 \ \text{AND\ } n(R’) = FL_{J} – FL_{A}

A detailed example of ICS condition

For a better understanding of these conditions, let us consider an example. Let us assume that an interaction enters the MOI network that transfers some MOI tokens from wallet S (the Sender who signed the interaction) to wallet R (the receiver of the MOI tokens).

Let us also assume that the MOI network has 100 nodes, and the minimum MTQ size was set to 10%, meaning that the interaction must be validated in an ICS of 10 or more nodes. Let us also assume that the maximum MTQ size was set to 30%, meaning that the interaction must be validated in an ICS of 30 or fewer nodes. Let us also assume that user S has specified that a minimum of 10% of the network should be present in the ICS which is basically user MTQ.

σ=100MTQmin=10%100=10MTQmax=30%100=30MTQuser=10%100=10\sigma = 100 \\ \, \\ MTQ_{min} = 10\% * 100 = 10 \\ \, \\ MTQmax = 30\% * 100 = 30 \\ \, \\ MTQuser = 10\% * 100 = 10 \\ \, \\

Let us assume that F denotes the set of all the 10 or more nodes that join the ICS to settle the interaction. As explained, ICS is made of eligible nodes, random nodes, and observer nodes denoted as:

F=FEFRFBF = F_E \cup F_R \cup F_B

, where FEF_E is the set representing the eligible nodes belonging to the context of sender S, receiver R, and generator node G. This is denoted as:

FE=ESEREGF_E = E_S \cup E_R \cup E_G

, where ESE_S represents the context nodes of wallet S, denoted as follows:

ES={αSβSƔS}Assume ES={N1,N2}E_S = \{α_S \cup β_S \cup Ɣ_S\} \\ \, \\ \text{Assume} \ E_S = \{N1, N2\}

, where ERE_R represents the context nodes of wallet R, denoted as follows:

ER={αRβRƔR}Assume ER={N2,N3}E_R = \{α_R \cup β_R \cup Ɣ_R\} \\ \, \\ \text{Assume} \ E_R = \{N2, N3\}

, where EGE_G represents the context nodes of generator node G, denoted as follows:

EG={αGβGƔG}Assume EG={N3}E_G = \{α_G \cup β_G \cup Ɣ_G\} \\ \, \\ \text{Assume}\ E_G = \{N3\}

Now, we know that FEF_E is made up of nodes N1, N2, and N3.

So,FE={N1,N2,N3}So, F_E = \{N1, N2, N3\}

As per the rules of ICS, random nodes must be at least twice the size of eligible nodes. So, let us assume:

FR=2n(FE)={N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9}F_R = 2 * n(F_E) = \{N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9\}

Let us assume that the MOI network requires few more nodes that make up the observer nodes in the ICS. These observer nodes are represented as:

FB=XoFEF_B = Xo * F_E

, where XO is observer co-efficient marking the percentage or weight of observer nodes in the ICS.

Let us assume that the MOI network requires 10% more nodes to behave as observer nodes. Let us assume the following:

FB={N10},where XO=10%F_B = \{N10\}, \text{where} \ X_O = 10\%

, meaning 1 more node was required to join the ICS as an observer node to satisfy the condition.

Now, the complete ICS set F is represented as follows:

F=FEFRFB={N1,N2,N10}Now, we understand actual ICS size is n(F)=10,Adjusted MTQ Size, MTQadjusted=min(MTQuser,MTQmax)=min(10,30)=10,Adjusted ICS length=max(MTQminσ,MTQadjustedσ)=max(10,10)=10,Since deficit is zero, R={}, and n(R)=0,Now, Final ICS length=n(Ffinal)=n(FactR)=10+0=10.F = F_E \cup F_R \cup F_B = \{N1, N2, … N10\} \\ \, \\ \text{Now, we understand actual ICS size is} \ n(F) = 10, \\ \, \\ \text{Adjusted MTQ Size,} \ MTQ_{adjusted} = min(MTQ_{user}, MTQ_{max} ) = min (10, 30) = 10, \\ \, \\ \text{Adjusted ICS length} = max(MTQ_{min} * \sigma , MTQ_{adjusted}* \sigma ) = max(10, 10) = 10, \\ \, \\ \text{Since deficit is zero,} \ R’ = \{\}, \ \text{and}\ n(R’) = 0, \\ \, \\ \text{Now, Final ICS length} = n(F_{final}) = n(F_{act} \cup R’) = 10 + 0 = 10.

ICS Creation Algorithm

Following are the steps to create an ICS:

  1. Operator node NiN_i extracts the wallets associated with the Interaction
  2. Node NiN_i queries the Super State Manager (SSM) to identify all the nodes associated with the interaction participants
  3. SSM queries the latest context hash of the interaction participants and returns a list of eligible nodes, random nodes, and also the observer nodes
  4. Node NiN_i will send ICS_Request messages to all the eligible nodes of the sender, receiver and sets the occupancy state to busy
  5. Node NjN_j on receiving the ICS_Request, verifies current state, context hash, and proof of binary hash sent by node NiN_i with its own context hash and binary hash. If both context hashes are the same and the occupancy state is free, then NjN_j responds with the ICS_Response message and starts the timer while setting its occupancy state to busy (It also performs various checks in the background to overcome attacks which are outlined in the Attack Vectors section)
  6. On receiving ICS_Response messages, if the majority of the eligible set responded and if ICS conditions are met, the operator node then elects a leader/generator node from one of the joined nodes, as per the leader election criteria in the PoXt algorithm
  7. Once the leader/generator node is elected, the operator node now queries the SSM for the context nodes of the Generator and sends the ICS_Request to these nodes as well as the random nodes and the observer nodes returned by SSM in step 3
  8. On receiving the ICS_Response message from a majority of nodes in each set, the Operator again checks for the Quorum conditions. If all conditions are meet it publishes an ICS_Success message and starts the PoXt consensus service in NiN_i
  9. If Node NjN_j receives the ICS_Success message before the timeout, it verifies the validator set, elected leader, and also starts the PoXt consensus service
  10. Once the ICS is formed successfully, the elected leader (i.e., Generator node) will execute the interaction, propose the tesseract, and achieves consensus based on the PoXt consensus algorithm

The message formats for the above algorithm can be found in the code snippet below:

type ICS_Request struct {
Ics_ID string
ContextHash [][]byte
PoBHash []byte
ParticipantAddress []Address
type ICS_Response struct {
Ics_ID string
Status string
type ICS_Success struct {
Ics_ID string
ValidatorSet []Address
LeaderAddress Address
type ICS_Dismiss struct {
Ics_ID string
Msg string

Where, each attribute is defined as follows:

  • ICS_ID: is a hex-encoded string of a 256-bit hash of sender and receiver address
  • ValidatorSet: it is a list of MOI Node Ids which are participating in this ICS
  • LeaderAddress: A 256-bit address of the Node which serves as a leader for this respective ICS
  • Status: A Boolean value that denotes the availability of the node which received the ICS request
  • ParticipantAddress: A list of interaction participant addresses i.e., sender, and receiver address
  • PoBHash: A 256-bit hash of the binary which the operator is running
  • ContextHash: Latest context hash of both interaction participants
  • Msg: The arbitrary messages sent among nodes in the ICS

Once the final ICS is formed Modulated Trust Engine will achieve finality of the interaction state transitions using Proof of Context (PoXt) consensus algorithm locally, while persisting the state transitions globally.